@Christine okay girl that’s good but it’s been really weird for me lol
There are men behind some of these profiles not many but some. I ran into one who seemed like she was. A man I stopped talking to her. Was over texting me and over calling me ALOT it felt like a guy was behind it.
@Nuri lmao omg creepy af
@Tia yeah. I don't mind mom friends in another state. I'm in wash DC though.
People are indeed creepy AF. Something jus wasn't right.
@Nuri long distance friendships be the best ones girl I’m in Georgia
Am I naive? Don't they have to take a selfie in order to create a profile? Socially awkward mothers trying to connect with other mothers wouldn't seem like that would appeal to men trying to get a date. Why here of all places? I'm shocked.
I’m glad others are also thinking this. Thought it was just me being paranoid and overthinking. 😅 What’s odd to me are the “moms” who message, wanting meet immediately. That always gives me the ick because I’m like, what mom is going to be eager to bring her child(ren) around a person you met the day before online?? 😩
@Latoya girl speak them facts cause this is all accurate
@Latoya point I was trying to make I agree with you on that one!
Hi I feel same way even trying to meet moms in my daughters class it’s hard. I am in ny we can be friends
@Theresa hey 💕nbox me we have same name lol mine Teresa but ppl call me Tia
@Carrie your not creepy momma you are not the problem boo
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
@Tia hey gurl 👋 I'm in DC
@Nuri hey boo and that’s cool girl
There’s some techniques that I follow for myself to keep myself safe. 1 is to add them to my IG/FB/snap to make sure they’re not a man, have a life outside of peanut and they’re also who they say they actually are (that’s how you weed out the men and the scammers, if any) Also. I send a selfie on the morning of meet and ask for one back, or I actually FaceTime her. That tells me a couple of other things also, that she’s getting ready to leave/has left, and she won’t flake me. But I like to meet within the first week, if our schedules align. Because leaving them just in chat for too long, the chat is naturally going to fizzle out so the mums that Latoya is describing, is me. It’s natural to be a bit reserved and cautious but there’s ways around that to make sure the meet goes well and a potential friendship can be made out of it. Out of the 14 who I’ve met in the 3yrs I’ve been on here, they’re all who they said they were only because I made sure of it. Stay safe ladies! And good luck.
I would like to have a real relationship with a mom. It’s so hard when you feel like ur the only one
@Shurlz right girl i feel everything your saying
@Kellie that's not a bad idea. I think I'm gonna do that for myself. Everybody getting screened! 😂
@Tia I don't have face time but I'll def get on Google Duo and chat with you or anyone else to prove I'm real. I'm also open to friends who don't live in my state.
@Kellie You’re way better than the “moms” I was talking about - at least you’re meeting within the first week, not randomly dm’ing someone and pressing for an immediate or next day get together. 😂😂
@Nuri and i also have instagram
I'm not on IG anymore I got hacked by some loser now I have to make a entire new IG account
@Tia but I'm real tho. No fakie makie ova here. Lol
@Nuri o okay well it’s cool girl i was just letting you know i have one lol
😩😩 I felt that way especially making a connection with other mommies. I haven’t ran across a male yet with this app but I did establish a close friendship with a few here ❤️❤️❤️