Baby won't bond with dad- advice?
I'm a 2nd time mom, my first is 20 months and our second is 2 months. My son (eldest) loves his dad so much, their bond is well established. My daughter (2mo) doesn't seem to want to bond with him. He loves her so much and she just won't tolerate him, this only began about a week ago. If he holds her and she's upset she cries even harder and like in pain at a point and immediately after I take her back she settles down. I don't know if it's because she genuinely has a problem with him, because he's just not me being the issue, or if it's just a preference phase. He's about ready to give up but I don't want him to not be able to bond with her or even start to dislike her. And I don't want to give up on trying to have him hold her and try to bond so he's not a stranger to her and fit his sake too. Especially while she's so little I feel like this is an important time to solidify bonding for them both. Anyone else had this? Advice? This was such a happy time and now it's suddenly not.
Is there anyway you don't take her from dad but see if he can distract her by maybe going to a different room so she can't see you? And he can rock her or sing to her or something and start by going for a few minutes and then bringing her back and up the amount of time each time? I know it's easier said than done because if my boy cries ill take him from dad but it's different because his dad hardly ever sees him