How early is too early?

Actively trying for baby #2 and am due my app says period (hopefully doesn’t come!) but is due in 2 days (cycles can usually range 28-32 days) - the past 2 days I’ve had suchhhh bad nausea, like constant nausea that I felt in first pregnancy. It will stop for about an hour after eating then start again. No actual vomiting and deffo not something I’ve ate as no issues with bowels. Don’t want to get my hopes up but ..Was just wondering is it too early to start feeling morning sickness this early on? Anyone else been in this situation? Should I test?
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You can always do an early test if you want. I started getting morning sickness at 4 weeks with my first pregnancy which was before my period would have been as I had a 5/6 week cycle

I think you can experience a slot of symptoms with a second pregnancy to be honest, like personally with my second pregnancy I knew I was as I didn't have any cramping what so ever like I usually do before my period starts and I didn't break out either like I usually do, I only broke out like a week or 2 into my pregnancy and I just knew it was a girl because my symptoms were worse when I was pregnant with my son, I had really bad morning sickness even though I wasn't being sick and this started pretty much straight away to, take a test but of course don't let it get you down if it comes up negative, good luck Mama

Ah congratulations!!

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