Recurring mastitis/BF issues (with recurring fever)
Feeling absolutely defeated. I’m 5weeks postpartum. My maternity ward won’t see me anymore as I’m over 28 days pp.
At week 2 pp, I developed mastitis which resulted in a 4 night stay in hospital with IV Antibiotics. Got discharged with oral antibiotics and told to come back if my fever came back.
Got referred to a different hospital for a breast ultrasound who essentially said getting recurring fevers whilst lactating and engorged is common and not an issue…(?). They also said not to take anymore antibiotics as it would ruin my microbiome.. advice given was to pump/feed regularly and take paracetamol (not ibuprofen which the first hospital prescribed me…)
Perhaps poor of me but the fever has since come back at least 5 times in 3 weeks. With such contradictory medical advice I didn’t want to be apart from my baby.
The health visitor came today and I filled her in on the above- she looked horrified and said I need to go to a&e for a blood test. Recurring fevers aren’t normal and I could go septic…
Went to A&E and again got the same advice saying recurring fevers whilst lactating is not unusual. My choices are to get stronger or quit breastfeeding. Wasn’t offered a blood test as she mentioned I’d just be given same advice.
I feel frustrated, depressed, guilty, defeated you name it. Has anyone else experienced symptoms like this?? Any advice appreciated please.
I had mastitis 5 times within a 3 month period, all with high fever and referrals to the breast clinic for ultrasounds. I told my health visitor who was horrified I'd just been left to sort myself out. She referred me to an infant feeding team, my son had an 70% tongue tie. It was released and I had no problems after that, breastfed for just over 3.5 years. Get your baby checked for a tie. Fever and blocked ducts are not normal! Also, I found tiny ice packs in my bra gave me the most relief from the pain.