Hi this was exactly my worry too! My first is 19 months old and was born with episiotomy and forceps. Had my second on 1st of Feb with only a small second degree tear, no stitches. The tear is also not same place as the scar which I was worried about happening
@Sally I know right, I found the recovery tough too 😭
@Kellie Oh that's really encouraging to hear, I have been very worried that the scar tissue won't stretch as much. But heard from several midwives that things can actually correct a bit if you have a second child so I'm hoping for the same 🙏🏼
Yep my second came a lot quicker and I had a second degree tear. Episiotomy scar was fine 👍 second degree tear was soooo much easier recovery than episitomy!
I had one with my first and didn’t need one with my second but that could also be cus she decided she wanted to be born in December instead of end of Feb😂 but you might not need one again x
@Jess oh that's great to hear, thank you for sharing. Really praying for the same!
@Kelsey oh wow that's early haha hope you and bub are doing well x
I just gave birth 2 days ago! First was born little less than 18 months ago. This birth was so quick and no epidural and had a second degree tear which I hear is nothing so it is possible. That's also the one thing I really really wanted to avoid
@Alina Oh that's awesome, congratulations 🤗. How was it compared to your first birth?
I had one with my first who’s nearly 2 and I’m currently 40 weeks with baby 2. Praying I wont need one again as I found the recovery soooo tough!!