Sounds like a name they give to those collectible dolls! Like u know those American dolls, or Barbie, brats dolls etc. they have different ones with different looks & personality ; welp that name sounds like one of them names they name those types of dolls.
@Caroline ur mom knew what she was doing cuz Caroline & Francine are flipping brilliant together
@Parker 又 I was wondering what my mind was trying to think of when I read the name lol! 😭 I love American dad
Super cute name ❤️ I never actually knew anyone named Francine, but it is a name I love.
That was my grandmother’s name ❤️
You’ve been watching Arthur lol
@Rema I have 🤣🤣
@Asha I grew up on that show. Love it
I have an Aunt with that name As well as Francis I guess you can tell the theme of my dad's side of the family
That's my sister's name and she goes by Fran 😊