Help! Vaginal concerns

Hello everyone, this is so embarrassing but it’s worrying me and stressing me out and I don’t know who to contact or what to do!😂 Basically, after examining my vagina it does not look right, it looks like the inside of my vagina is lower down or something? Like before it looked like an empty hole but now there’s not really a hole it’s all flesh is that a prolapse? Can it be fixed I am only 4 months pregnant
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I’m confused on what you mean??

@Jasmine I don’t know how to explain it but it’s like the inside of my vagina has collapsed almost like it’s so tight, and it’s like I can almost push it out

Yes sounds like a prolapse. Either contact health visitor or doctor lovely. Xxx

Could you be swollen down there? I was very swollen during my whole 3rd trimester, it’s due to the extra blood flow and pressure of baby I believe, to the point it looked bruised and felt heavy😅. I suggest to bring it up at your next midwife appointment or to ring the GP if you’re worried / in discomfort xx

Thank you both I think I will message my midwife in the morning for advice xx

I literally had a simular thing on going last week I felt so much heaviness and pressure I had a look (tmi) I later called gp and requested a pelvic exam to which they did on the day and some swabs .. following day I was told I have a cervical ectropion which is basically just healthy cells growing but unfortunately on the out side of cervix.. nothing to worry about I was reasurred and common In pregnancy.. mayb just ask to for a pelvic exam too. Good luck x

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