Ours is about the same x
@Rachel He's 11 weeks and combination fed, I exclusively pump and offer occasional formula feeds not sure if that makes a difference to his sleep. He'll also happily sleep through noise at Soft Play and his toddler brother's tantrums and antics. I've never kept it quiet for either of my two so they will sleep in any noise environment e.g. hoover, radio, TV on etc in the background.
Max 3 hours at a time
Yeah I’m thinking of offering a bottle of formula before bedtime to see if this makes a difference as even a 4 hour stretch would be an absolute god send! He does nap well in the day around noise however only contact naps…hates being put down! He’s my little limpet 😮💨
My baby is 7 weeks tomorrow and still wakes every three hours for a feed
5-6 hours after his last feed at midnight for us. Hell have a change and feed at midnight to 1am then he'll be gone until 5:30-6:30 am depending on the day and how much he fed before sleeping then he'll go back down for another 4 ISH until 9:30-10 am. He's nearly 7weeks old
This sounds like my absolute dream. Mine is 6.5 weeks and I haven’t had more than a 2 hour sleep stretch since the was born! He’s still waking every 2 hours or sometimes less to feed…it’s exhausting and sleep deprivation is real!!!