Normal or should i be concerned?

34+3 🩵So i woke up few nights ago really wet between my legs and down there ,fully thought i had wet myself but i hadn’t ,so i just assumed extra discharge thought nothing of it and put a pad on I’ve had pads on past 2 days and they’re feeling damp every time i change but not enough for me to tell if there really wet from discharge or if I’m leaking amniotic fluid(google obvs scaring me), i started having light cramps yesterday morning on and off too then last night every time i moved to much i would get cramp strong enough for me to need to keel over and have been having a few sharp pains now too in my lower stomach, I had a scan on Friday just gone and evrything was okay but i havent been feeling him kicking as much either now an not sure if thats cause I’ve been in bed trying not to move or if reduced movements,last time i went in for RM he kicked away none stop n i felt stupid for going in. ftm so unsure if this is all normal as getting towards the end or should i be concerned?
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always get it checked don’t feel stupid going in to get checked it’s the best thing u can do x

With the consistent wet pads, cramping and reduced movements, I would definitely be ringing triage. They advise you to get checked out with any one of those continuous symptoms, so with you having all three for a little while, I’d definitely recommend going in. They do not care at all if you go in and it turns out to be nothing, and it really doesn’t take long to be checked. Better safe than sorry ❤️

I'd go in as soon as you can, if you ring triage I imagine they'd want to see you to check it's not your waters that are going slowly! And reduced movements would be a reason to go in on its own anyway, don't feel silly for ringing or going in, they'd much rather you went in and nothing be wrong! Xx

I have been in the exact same boat my lovely, even after a very reassuring scan and monitoring, I personally haven’t felt that everything is ok… feeling rather embarrassed I called triage again, they did all typical checks and at this stage as I’ve been in a few times in a short period, personally offered me either scan every couple of days or monitoring everyday. I asked to do monitoring every other day till I’m happy with the movements again. I did get the doctors to check, didn’t show as my waters but was extra discharge xx

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