How long does an open episiotomy take to heal?
My episiotomy opened up on day 5. The muscle stitches stayed in tact but the skin stitches disappeared. There was no infection so I have no idea how it happened. I think they messed up while stitching me up. I have just looked at it 4 weeks post partum and it still looks like a hole in me. I am so disappointed. I thought I’d be healed by now. And it looks like I won’t be close in 2 or even 4 more weeks. Can someone shed some light if they had the same experience? Thank you
Hey, I'm currently week 8 from episiotomy. Wound opened up by 1.5x0.5cm by week 5 but I had an infection. Just finished round 5 of antibiotics - as the infection was persisting but if you don't have an infection it might be quicker for you! I've still got an open wound but it's less and closing a bit now. When seen at the hospital was told it would take at least a month for the gap to close. Is it painful? If it's painful get checked out x