Does it get better after burping? My LG always cries after feeding until she gets a burp out. It's like a high pitched in pain type of cry
@Tanya sometimes
Same as @Tanya here. Its not often but it happens and it’s usually he needs to burp 🤷🏻♀️
Cmpa? My baby did this, and has a cmpa, didn’t discover until she was 7.5 months when we began introducing solids. She had months of dry skin, spitting up, a patch of eczema that developed, and quite a lot of dirty nappies during the day.
Sounds like reflux. The ‘chewing’ is because stomach acid is coming up and he is sealing it down. Could be a symptom of CMPA or just something he will grow out of. Speak to GP.
*swallowing it (not sealing)
Try to keep him upright for half an hour after feeding x
Sounds like CMPA
my baby screamed and cried after every feed, was rashy, threw up almost every bottle, but was also gaining weight normally and she has severe CMPA
@Madeline yes same! It’s wild how the health visitors and GP didn’t suggest cutting out dairy to see. Instead they treated the symptoms - did you find the same?
@Sarah yes they treated symptoms first! for like 2 months and i was like this is not working please do something different
Cmpa maybe x