Reasons for Intense Crying After Feeding

My son is seven weeks old and experiences sudden and intense crying after feeding. I have also noticed dry patches on some areas of his face, such as his cheeks, around his eyes, and near his eyebrows. Sometimes, he vomits, and it seems like he feels something in his mouth because he is constantly chewing. However, he does not have eczema, and his weight gain is normal. I have been giving him colic syrup, but instead of improving, he seems to be in more pain, and his crying gets worse. What do you think could be the reason for these symptoms?
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Cmpa maybe x

Does it get better after burping? My LG always cries after feeding until she gets a burp out. It's like a high pitched in pain type of cry

@Tanya sometimes

Same as @Tanya here. Its not often but it happens and it’s usually he needs to burp 🤷🏻‍♀️

Cmpa? My baby did this, and has a cmpa, didn’t discover until she was 7.5 months when we began introducing solids. She had months of dry skin, spitting up, a patch of eczema that developed, and quite a lot of dirty nappies during the day.

Sounds like reflux. The ‘chewing’ is because stomach acid is coming up and he is sealing it down. Could be a symptom of CMPA or just something he will grow out of. Speak to GP.

*swallowing it (not sealing)

Try to keep him upright for half an hour after feeding x

Sounds like CMPA

my baby screamed and cried after every feed, was rashy, threw up almost every bottle, but was also gaining weight normally and she has severe CMPA

@Madeline yes same! It’s wild how the health visitors and GP didn’t suggest cutting out dairy to see. Instead they treated the symptoms - did you find the same?

@Sarah yes they treated symptoms first! for like 2 months and i was like this is not working please do something different

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