With my first and second pregnancy I felt and seen movements at 16 weeks my 3rd pregnancy my angel twins 12 weeks felt movements all posterior placenta and 4th pregnancy felt & seen at 18+1 anterior placenta
I'm 21+5 and have seen a few kicks over the last week - been feeling since mid Jan but he's definitely got stronger recently. I was told I had an anterior placenta but I think it's quite low at the front so I feel him mid stomach
I started feeling proper kicks at 17 weeks, vibration type kicks I'm now 21 weeks and 2 days ! Had my 20 week scan and he's a very active boy! And he kicks all the time now mostly at night when I want to sleep haha 😄 xxxxx
I've been feeling and seeing kicks at 21 weeks pregnant with my baby boy too! 😃 I've also been recording them. I'm a size 18-20 xx
Awww love it, I’ve got about 5 videos of my little boy kicking I was so excited when I saw his kicks as I didn’t see them till 25+ weeks with my second born, my 1st born was 18 years ago so I can’t remember them I do remember how my stomach would move left to right and I could literally see her hands and feet it was amazing xx
This is my first but I'm lucky to have a posterior placenta. If he kicks hard enough I can even see his kicks through my clothes
Love it xx
I’m 23 weeks and only saw this the other day x
I felt my first proper kick tonight and I felt it with my hand on my stomach too! I'm also size 16 and this is my first baby. My placenta is on the left on the side of the uterus. At all my scans I've been to (private and nhs) the baby has been moving around lots so he's super active