Runny nose

10 month old has her first runny nose, can anyone give me any advice?
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Aww my little girl had her first runny nose at 10 months too! It was heartbreaking 😟 although I later found that it was related to her teething rather than a cold! Nevertheless I used Snufflebabe, baby olbas oil on a tissue near her bed at night and just used a very soft muslin to wipe her nose when it got very messy (she does not like having her nose wiped 😅). There isn’t much else you can do apart from lots of cuddles 🩷 I continued to go outside and get fresh air with her too, even if it’s cold just wrap up warm… this is assuming your little one isn’t under the weather in any other way ☺️

@Olivia it’s so heartbreaking 😭 I’m so worried she can’t breathe properly while sleeping

Aww so sorry to hear your little one isn't feeling good. My 8 month old has had it bad with colds this winter and we've found that a humidifier with some eucalyptus essential oil drops has helped a lot. Also if you're looking for a safe "medicine" Mommy Bliss is a great brand. They have a night time and day time herbal syrup that has really helped with our LO's congestion. When her congestion is really bad we also use Zarbee's soothing chest rub and put it on her feet and chest before bed.

Yes it is a worry 😟 but she will find a way! I found that the first night was the worst because she was very confused about being blocked up. She also has a dummy so was unable to suck this and breathe at the same time due to the blocked nose! However by the second/third night she had just got used to breathing through her mouth. The olbas oil on a tissue near the bed seemed to really help though. Hope your little one gets better soon 💖

You can get olbas oil for babies it works amazing! and calpol plug ins x

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