I had this, you can ask to go on the wait list for a cancellation. I was booked in for 38+5 but I went into labour at 37+5 and then had to have C-section that day. 39+5 is very late and if it’s for a medical purpose you should be able to argue. They told me they usually go to 39 weeks max.
Mine was 39+6 as they just couldn’t get me on the list any earlier, so might be the reason for yours too
Mine was 39+5 and I was told to tell them I was an elective C-section if I went into labour before and it would be a semi emergency one. I didn’t need to and baby was born fit and healthy at 39+5. (I had gestational diabetes and it was the earliest date they could do).
You’re very lucky you’ve been given a date. I went into labour at 38+5 and still had no date. However, they will still take you for your section and it’s still a chilled, nice experience so try not to worry. It’s down to the volume of people now requesting / requiring sections and they can’t seem to keep up x
Mine is 39+4, I went into labour at 39+6 last time. In my case there was no other days available that week so that is the earliest they could book me in, I imagine this is probably the same for you and that's why it's then. It seems planned c-sections are becoming more common and the dates get booked up quickly. Obviously you can absolutely ask the question. As others say if you go into labour earlier than your date then contact MAU asap and they will still get you in for a C-section.
I was scheduled for 40+3 as it was a maternal request section and they were incredibly busy. Then baby turned breech at 38 weeks so it became a medically indicated section and was brought forward to 39+3. As others have said, though, if you even think you may be in labour then call MAU/triage immediately and they will just bring forward your section.
You can call and ask as sometimes people on the list end up delivering early especially if the go into labour during the night etc then they are done as emergency so their space on the list becomes vacant, just have the dates ready that you closer to 39 weeks.
If you go into labour earlier than this, they will still give you your c section. Don't worry