He wants Vasectomy but I want one more

My fiance wants to get a vasectomy because he said he doesn’t want more kids (we have 2 boys) but I want just 1 more baby. Although I’ve always wanted a big family with lots of kids I’m settled on only being able to have 3. I don’t know what to think about this situation because I love my fiance but I want another baby. He didn’t decide this until I got pregnant with my last baby. It wasn’t up for discussion either. He said “my body my choice” and I don’t know what to say to that. Because I’m not trying to have a baby with anyone else. Everyone in our families keep asking when’s the next baby and I just get sad thinking I might not even have another baby. I love my 2 boys I have and am very grateful for them. I just need some advice on how I’m feeling. Am I wrong for being upset about this or is it really not my decision?
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I think it’s fair to upset. You guys are a family and that should be a decision you make together. Did he ever express to you that he didn’t want a big family? Or he also was originally in agreement to having 3? I’m sure that’s hard on you regardless and you’re allowed to be mad/sad.

I think that your fiancé's opinion is as important as yours and needs to be equally respected. Ask him why he doesn't want more kids, at the end of the day you cannot force him! It wouldn't be right

It’s valid for you to be upset, and it’s a bit harsh that he suddenly just made this decision, but it is his body and his choice, you can’t force him to want to have another child, just as if it was the other way around x

It’s fine to be upset, but he is allowed to feel the way he feels and take control of his bodily autonomy. People are allowed to change their minds and often do after the reality of children set in. That’s not to say they don’t love the children they have, but that they understand the immense responsibility in a way they didn’t before. I used to think I wanted 3 kids (and my husband would like one more), but after having a traumatic second birth and the exhaustion of 2 under 2, I have decided I’m done. He was a little disappointed, but he respects my decision.

He's right though , it is HIS choice. If you were a man posting this then the comments section would look very different. Him saying he finds parenthood tough or is worried about money is a good enough reason, he shouldn't have to explain himself more than that. As for family, who cares!

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