No advice but my LO is doing it but gets spoon fed as well.
my little boy is doing this. i put a snack plate on the living room floor so he can grab food when he wants it. it’s only been a couple days but definitely seems to be working
Following x
Pretty much going through double as I just keep topping up and now and then she eats but majority ends up on the floor 🫣
Mine does this, I read it could be a few things: 1. They’re simply full 2. They’re testing gravity! 3. There’s too much on the plate Maybe try putting less in front of them? I usually put like a third of the food on front of him then add to it as he eats what’s there and that helps a little! It’s a totally normal stage though!!
My lb did this for a little bit. We took the plate away and would give him little bits at a time. We also started practising giving the food back to us if he is all done and now he only throws occasionally if he is full x
My LG does this. I use the silicone stick down plates so she can’t through the whole thing and I only put one of each thing on her plate at a time. If she starts throwing I’ll stop filling her plate up and feed her myself if she refuses I just stop the meal.
@ruby This is a really good idea!
@Zana I’ve tried putting a few bits down as she goes but unfortunately she just keeps throwing everything 😂 nothing I do seems to work at the moment.
My grandson has a habit of taking food out of his mouth, looking at it before deciding whether to put it back in his mouth or throw it if I feed him. If I give him the spoon etc to feed himself he’ll wave it around and splatter food everywhere or throw it on the floor. He only does this at home as his childminder said he doesn’t do it there and he doesn’t do it at my MILs. If he throws it on the floor 3-4 times, I take the plate/bowl away and leave him sat in his high chair for 5 minutes before I try again. Because he’s hungry and knows that if he throws it it gets taken away he’ll eat it with no fuss
Following for the same advice x