No one is going to be proud of you, the way YOU are proud of you

One bitter sweet thing I've realized is that people around you- friends, spouse, family.. is that they will root you on and support your weight loss journey. BUT they are not going to be proud of your the way that you'll be proud of yourself! I have a few side by side pictures of myself, and the progress I see is amazing. It makes me want to do freaking cartwheels. I'll show my husband, or my parents. And they'll be happy for me and everything. But it's never the same enthusiasm as I would expect😭😅I am SO freaking proud of myself, and at the end of the day that's all that really matters.🥹💕
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I definitely agree I have lost over 88 pounds and I am so proud of myself I am also going on nightly walks. Keep up the good work

@Joy yes.💕I'm proud of you too! I lost 75+ before getting pregnant, lost an additional 10 in my first trimedter and now I'm 26 weeks and have only gained about 6. The way my body looks now with this pregnancy compared to my other 2 is astounding. Before my 70+ pound weight loss I was damn near 300 pounds. I want to lose 50 more when im postpartum, and I know i can do it. I cannot wait.

Can you message me and we can help motivate each other

@Joy will do!

Yeah because we’re the one that put in that blood sweat and tears to get to where we are. And all that self discipline. They’ll never understand. We have to cheer for ourselves 🙌

@Kellie you're so right. Sometimes I'll be so freaking happy at my progress and will internally be like wow look how much you've changed.. and then I'll receive... lackluster reactions to my progress. It's a little disappointing im not gonna lie but I can't let others reactions effect my happiness toward myself!

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