baby not eating ?

hello!! my 10 week old has been having 4-5 ounces for the last like 4 weeks, but he’s a little congested at the minute maybe with a cold/ slight flu. he’s only been wanting like an ounce or two whenever i offer him a bottle, he hasn’t even been crying for them today and half the day yesterday. i know he’s just not feeling too great but i was wondering how long you leave it until it’s an issue ? thank you xx
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Our boy started doing this when he was 9 weeks old. He is slowly starting to take more now at 11 weeks but not quite back to before. I read that between 2 to 3 months their sucking changes from involuntary to voluntary. So of they don’t like something or are uncomfortable they reject the bottle. Try and figure out what’s bothering him and see if you can help him be more comfortable while taking a bottle.

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