Stroller/pram help
So I stupidly bought an egg pram before we had the baby because it looks amazing (2nd hand). Now I’ve had baby and after having a c section the base and everything is so bulky and annoying to use, even taking it in and out of the car. Is there any recommendations for a cheap lightweight stroller (suitable to be flat for my 4 month old) that I can use so I can get out and about (even better if cabin approved for future travel). The fact that it’s so bulky and heavy means I stop myself from getting out of the house and it’s really getting me down x
Most light weight prams are from birth lovely so you could give it a little Google, personally I love the Zummi it's lightweight and affordable. I also love the Joie strollers I have the blue one for my son and even the double buggy when I take both my kids out when im on my own x