Calm bed time or get the last bit of energy out?

What do you guys do before bedtime ... do you calm everything down and relax in the hour leading up to bed OR do you help them get their last bit of energy out (ie silly games like chase, tickles etc) I feel like our calm bedtime routine isn't working anymore, my LO seems so fidgety as if she needs to let out more energy!
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Depends on the night, number of naps etc. some nights it’s chill an hour before then bath and bed, other nights play silly bath and then calm feed before bed

Nursery day calmness as she sleeps less in the day, all other days anything goes until bath time and then its chill time from then until bedtime.

No we let them have their zoomies then bath time is chill and play then when they get out it's pj's and bed straight away :)

We tend to put on a Disney movie and my daughter will watch some of it then go off and play. So half and half I guess?

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