My labour story

I’m a 19 year old mumma who just had her baby boy 2 weeks ago. It was one early Monday morning at around 4-6am i started having some unexpected cramping pains aswell as back pains. ( I didn’t know what contractions felt like at this point) I was already 4 days over due and I woke up from having an hour sleep and I said to my partner I think my waters broke. At that point I stood up and the bed was covered with greenish, brown, clear fluid. (It was that colour because my baby did a poo while in my belly) we rushed to get the bags and got in the car, and was rushed through emergency waiting for the midwife’s to arrive as they weren’t there because it was early hours in the morning. From then on I was having contractions at 3cm dilated and was screaming in pain. I then had the gas but it didn’t help with the pain just made me loopy. We then had to wait a couple hours for them to give me epidural which took 3 tries to get in as I kept passing out from the gas. Ps. It hurt so bad for me. Later that day I was having contractions more consistent I was 7cm at the time and the midwife had to check on me every hour as my baby was in a complicated position. At around 6pm I was already 10cm dilated they got me already and asked me to push I tried to push but as his face was upwards there was no progress. They then told me I have to go into a c section which I didn’t want to do and felt like everything I had done was a waste of time. I was screaming still as the pain was so strong and the epidural was wearing off as they stopped it. We then got into theatre and they had to give me a spinal pain relief and that killed just as bad as the epidural one they had to have two attempts as I moved from having contractions and was ready to push. They started the c section which I felt the entire thing and the doctor kept saying it was pressure. It was so painful, I swear I nearly lost my voice from screaming that much. They then showed my baby over the curtain so I could see. The whole time the stitched me back up I was screaming and was on the gas to calm me down but the doctor turned it off and I was screaming it’s not working but he never believed me. That week we stayed in hospital I had terrible nightmares and hallucinations just from the trauma and pain I went through. My labour was very hard for me and still scares me to this day but all I can say is my baby boy is safe and healthy 💙 Being a mum is hard and stressful, the people who aren’t mums don’t understand but us mums do. You should be proud of yourself for raising or growing a little human ❤️ Here is a picture of me when I first held my little boy 🥰
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Definitely understand the epidural they used two different people with a combined attempt of 7 times before they got it in and going. All to them go to an emergency c section. I had my son a year ago. I will say the ptsd does get easier with time.

Congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy 🩵 I think if you are in the UK you should make a complaint to PALs about your experience as it sounds horrendous and not what it should have been like at all. If you speak to your midwives or GP there is also a reflections/debrief thing you can do but I’m really sorry I can’t remember its name but it may help you process what happened and come to terms with it so you can move past the bad experience x

@Emma thank you so much x I’m in Australia but I’ll try and contact my midwives or GP to do a reflection xx

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