Yes. Pediatrician said it’s normal for all babies to have some and will balance out. As the baby gains weight the Bili will start to go down and balance out just like their hormones.
My both my sons had jaundice. Vitamin d drops (what his doc recommend ) and Sunlight as much as yu can My first son had yellow eyes and a yellow tint to his skin it lasted a while I wanna say he was a Lil over a month before it finally settled itself out My Jan newborn had yellow eyes. He's almost 3 weeks postpartum now and it's already starting to go away. It's barely noticeable already 😊 The more they poop the more the built up bilirubin is released from their body and their jaundice levels go down ‼️🫶🏾💕 i hope this helped
All of my babies have had jaundice. Only the first had it severe enough to need treatment. I was actually told that new research has been done and the threshold for needing treatment has been raised, so with the new standards it's possible my oldest wouldn't have needed treatment either.
My baby’s eyes were yellow so I kept taking him either outside or in the window to get sunlight daily and his eyes cleared up
As a Doula, I’d recommend taking the baby outside for at least 10 mins each day. The Sun exposure can help reduce the jaundice.
My baby did when he was born and dis light therapy for 12 hours ...then when we went home he was still turning yellow..but I just kept breastfeeding and as long as your baby is pooping and peeing that bilirubin will slowly come out, and my sons been looking better, it's day 11 today.
My baby will be a week old tomorrow. He has yellow around the whites of his eyes. But has had a secondary check up for jaundice and first pediatrician visit. He’s a little orange in the skin. But his numbers were trending in a way that they were not worried about. And pediatrician was not worried either. A relief even though I could see he was showing signs of yellow coloring!