Nah you’re right to be protective trust your gut if it makes you feel uncomfortable don’t do it. Exactly what you said if they want to see her then why does it have to be overnight with them? If they can’t respect your boundaries and keep pushing it that’s not okay. I wouldn’t even feel good with my mum having her overnight when I was really ill one time I stayed at my mums overnight and she took her to her bedroom to sleep for a bit so I could rest but be able to still be near her but she never pushed it or has ever asked to take her overnight because she knows it’s too young and she respects my decisions.
I think mother in laws can also try to be quite pushy at the start because they worry that not being the grandma on mums side they won’t get as much time with baby or as close a bond as our mums might do.
My mums being quite pushy too but I think that they imagine that if you say no now then that means forever but it might help to say that she's still too young but that doesn't mean it's forever?
Absolutely stick to your guns 💪🏻! She’s still so little and always go with your gut. I’m exactly the same about my little one