Genital warts/warts on hands

Hi! So almost 2 years ago when I was pregnant I developed warts on my area and was one of the first signs I was pregnant. Apparently my hormones made me have outbreaks and I had never had them before so I found out I have HPV, ever since I had her I don’t have outbreaks down there at all. But recently I started noticing I’m having very tiny warts growing on my fingers, like very tiny and then they grow and then eventually go away but starts to peel my Skin… how can I treat these. I’m lowkey scared to touch my daughter but like I just noticed them and I bath her and do everything for her and I also am a thumb sucker and I bite my nails. Could this be contributing factors and what should I do? I never realized it before but now I have veryyyyy tiny warts growing and I’m scared to touch my baby. It’s only about 3 of them but on different fingers, I started feeling little raised bumps and they def look like warts.
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If you’re open, maybe look into more holistic options. There is a woman named Krystal Alkaline Doula on FB who sells a number of herbal teas that could help. Google The Goddess Collection Teas and look at her site. She has one called Blood Purifier that could help your situation. Otherwise, you may wanna seek professional medical assistance to see what the recommended for flare ups. I hope this helps 🤞🏾

Can you send a better picture of them?

Try putting bandaids on them if they could be infectious to baby. Deff stop biting ur nails and try to lower stress and eat healthier . Sorry wish I knew more

I dont see anything in that finger, but you should just schedule an appt either with ob or a dermatologist. You want to avoid any issues early on. They might just send a cream and that's it or test for more things. Remember to have ANNUAL pap smear since you tested positive for HPV. I had an abnormal pap due to HPV many years ago and during that time I had to test annually or even every 6 months until it was cleared and back to normal. Better safe than sorry.

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