Feeling miserable!

My 6mo fell from his high chair today. I know I had him buckled, but as he was bouncing , it came off and he fell…feeling so very upset. It was just a min. when I turned my back on him to close the hob, when i heard him fall on the wooden surface. I felt my heart coming out of me. I immediately picked him up and soothed him by cuddling and called 999, but when they said it may take upto an hour for ambulance to come, without wasting any time, I booked a taxi and arrived at the CED (A&E). My baby was kept under observation for a couple of hours where the consultant and Jr. Doctor examined him. As he has been alert and no sign of vomiting they discharged him, saying to observe him for next 24 hours with a leaflet of red flags.They also said as he is too young they cannot do CTscan or MRI. Tomorrow I am going to go to dentist privately to get his gum checked up. Even though he did not bleed I am very concerned and feeling miserable. I feel awful..not sure, if it is a right platform to share, but was looking for some reassurance. My baby is right now sleeping and me and my husband have decided to stay awake overnight and monitor him!
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Accidents happen! Like you said he was buckled in, sometimes you can take all the precautions possible and things can still happen. You did all the right things after it happened, taking him to a&e and monitoring him etc. your baby is lucky to have a mother who loves and cares about him so much 🫶🏻

Thank you, Lydia. The feeling doesn't go away.. hope that nothing of this sort ever happens again. I have decided to put him on the playmat from now on surrounded by gates when I need to do household chores. Thanks for your message. Being alone with no fam support is both challenging and isolating x

Accidents happen. I remember the first time my 2yo fell and cut his lip, we felt awful. They'll get into plenty more accidents as they grow unfortunately for us 😅 If you're worried about the highchair again you can buy ones that are close to the floor and ones that have a 5 point harness (not sure if yours is a lap belt or harness, ours is a lap belt)

Thank you all, we took him to the dentist yesterday. No gum injuries and he has been active all throughout the day x @Lauren ours is a 66cm chicco high chair made out of fiber. It has 3 safety hooks, 2 going across shoulder and inside hands attaching to the one at bottom, like a car seat. Can i ask which brand do you use?

If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to message me! I hardly come on the app but my Instagram DMs are always free (that applies to literally anyone) @lydiaashleigh.r is my insta

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