Yes, one definitely needs to be wide awake, deal with it with a lot of empathy & cuddles & possibly holding & walking before sitting down/helping them revert to sleep asap following any sleep routines you normally start at the beginning of the night.
I know it’s hard but at night try to avoid screen time . I need to myself bad about on a rough night throwing the tv on because it’s convenient to calm her down. Mine does this in the middle of sleep regression. It’s stressful I know
My little one wakes up screaming too sometimes. I think it may be nightmares, I normally sit up with her as she sleeps with me, turn the lights on and give her lots of cuddles. I reassure her that she is safe and all is okay. After she's calm I put her back to sleep I don't mean to tell you what to do but I don't think telling her to stop screaming will help as she is probably scared and doesn't know how to regulate her feelings either. Try sitting up with her and reassuring she is safe. Maybe even read her favourite story to read before settling back to bed This stage surely is tough but we will get through it