@Jaylean right ugh, and she only gets to see her every 2 months for a couple of days. Mask might be a good idea
Gotta build that immune system somehow! Siblings are different imo, just is what it is I'd just handle it as it comes 🫶🏻
Just remind her to cover her nose when sneezing, hand washing etc. Especially in this situation when she only gets to see baby every 2 months
I may be judged for saying this, but my husband has an older daughter from before we were married and if she is sick we choose to have visits moved to a different day when she isn't sick. The same would go for if my kids were sick to protect her. I feel that the "siblings just get sick together" only applies if they actually live together and can't avoid it, cause I'd separate my kids in the same house during sickness if we could 😂😂
maybe have her wear a mask? and no kisses? idk this is a tough one