When to give up pacifier?

Is there an age I should start having my baby stop using it? She loves it so much and is a huge soother for her and is 6 months old right now.
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Mine is 12 months and I’m slowly starting to wean him off at present we give it to him for sleep times only

Its a big issue for teeth. So consider that in the weening process

@Em how’s that going so far?

My daughter just turned 2 in december and still has hers lol. She's OBSESSED with her ninni and I'm dreading the day we finally get rid of it 😅 it gives me anxiety and stresses me out just thinking about it.

My daughter is three never really liked them. Now she plays with them.

I think the general suggestion is before tbry before attached around 8 month: my baby is 10 months and she still has - only for sleep, it gives us more sleep and she really loves it, I think we will go until she’s old enough to understand, and only use for sleep.

The dentist advised me to get rid of the dummy before 3 as that’s when their jaw stays in position. At the moment it will constantly change but after that it will retain the shape. Saying this I realised my lb wasn’t really interested in his anymore and would take it out before he fell asleep so I’ve just taken it away. He’s not had it for a week. Nap times/bedtimes take around 10 mins longer for him to go to sleep but there is no hysterical crying for it he just lays quietly until he falls asleep. 😴

By/around 1yo is a good age, sooner if you want. By 2 is a definite as it's not good for their developing mouth/teeth. Whenever you feel ready just plan to do it in a Friday evening or a day where you have 3-4 days off and cut it out cold turkey. It will be a shit couple days but they honestly move on pretty quickly. I took my youngests at 8 months (big bro was suddenly stealing it and trying to use it even though he had never used one in his life) we had sucky sleep for 2 days and then right back to normal

My son has always been obsessed with his. He's now 18 months and we've decided to go cold turkey during the day but at night time slowly wean off x

@Courtney it’s not too bad sometimes he doesn’t realise other times we will have to sing dance and entertain him so he forgets about the dummy lol

We got rid of it cold turkey at about 2.5 cause we let him keep it since new baby was coming. When new baby didn’t take one, we got rid of them all. If you can get away with getting rid of it before a year, that is easier

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