
anyone’s baby still waking during the night to feed? mine is seven months (july 9th) and she’s a great sleeper. she puts herself to sleep every night no problem, but she’s still waking during the night at about 230 am to eat. i’m uncomfortable letting her cry at all (i know ferber and taking cara babies involves some crying) and if she’s genuinely hungry, i don’t wanna make her cry for any amount of time to see if she falls back asleep, but i would loveeee for her to sleep a full 10-12 hours. has anyone tried night weaning? she knows how to go to sleep on her own so i know that’s not the issue, just not sure if i should try weaning her off night feedings or if anyone has had success/have any tips.
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My daughter is about to be 7 months. (July 18th) she is a hit and miss for the feedings. She will go a couple of nights without one and then randomly starts waking up between 2-4 for a bottle. Otherwise she will normally sleep 11-12 hours without one. My daughter is formula fed though so I try and give her a big bottle before I put her down for the night 6-7 ounces.

Sometimes I think i should wean her off of it, but she eats a full bottle and then most the time goes right back to sleep, so I feel like she is actually hungry..? She doesn't fall asleep while eating it though

Try to give her something that will make her tummy full. I give my son oatmeal and fruits before he goes to sleep and he sometimes does wake up but he just wants cuddles and goes back to sleep

Did you not sleep train to get her to go to sleep on her own? If not, how did you get her to do that?

Birthday twins! My son will wake up around 3 most nights to eat. For him that's around 8 hours and then he'll sleep for 3-4 more hours. For me I feel like that's reasonable because he always falls back asleep as soon as he eats so it seems he really is hungry. And 8 hours seems like a pretty long time for a baby. We do dinner at 6 pm and bed between 7-8 depending on his last nap. I make his food because puree jars are way too expensive so I don't know exactly how much he gets. I'd guess he eats between 2-3 oz of that and then we nurse to start off bedtime routine.

We eat 4oz puree jar followed by a 4-5oz bottle with 3 teaspoons of baby cereal.. sleep through the night every night... turned 6 months on 1/24

My son is 7 month months old as well. July 1st. He still wakes 1 time around 3 or 4 for a feed, then goes right back to sleep, so I'm just going to ride it out until I know for sure he isn't actually hungry.

My girl is 7 months and wakes up 2 to 3 times to feed. I have also returned to work and this is the only time I can nurse her. She doesn’t do formula at all, and has just started purées solids very initial stages.

My baby just turned 6 months on the 30th and he still wakes up a few times a night to feed. During his growth spurts, he wakes up multiple times. He’s not interested in food. We’ve been feeding him different foods but I’m convinced he’s enjoying the ease of just nursing instead of “chewing”.

Mine is 7mo and wakes ~2 times to feed (11pm & around 3/5am). Bedtime at 8pm. During a Leap/ growth spurt, wakes more often for cuddles and/or milk. Ebf.

sorry all - forgot i turned notifications off! i didn’t necessarily follow any sort of sleep training to a t. just sort of started put her down at night, she would only fuss a little bit and then would fall asleep. if she was ever really really crying then i would go in and rock her to sleep. now she can put herself to sleep every night, mostly no tears. i’m thinking of trying to to slowly wean her during the nights and see if that helps!

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