Time for Solids?

My LO is eating 6 oz has anyone started feeding their babies rice ceral or purées
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No, I won’t be until she is at least 6 months and can sit mostly unassisted

I will add this is when we started BLW and purées for my oldest as well

Baby should be sitting independently and holding head up well to start solids. You also want their little digestive systems to be mature enough to accept solids which is why 6 months is typically the suggested age. I would definitely suggest speaking with your pediatrician if you’re planning to start..

My son has been drinking 6oz as well every two hours! Haven’t started on purées or other foods yet

Research suggests that introducing solids before 6 mo increases risk of obesity. but I def had rice cereal in my bottle starting when I was 4 mo and I'm not obese lol so who knows

You shouldn’t be doing any solids til they can sit on their own without support otherwise they are going to choke

Rice cereal really isn't recommended anymore due to arsenic do your own research though!

Our doctor recommended we added oatmeal cereal to his bottle since he has reflux and that makes the milk thicker. Don’t recommend it though, if you can wait longer or ask your doctor first

I read that grains like that really aren't necessary and have high arsenic levels so we just avoid baby cereals until later when they can eat cheerios. But we are gonna wait until like 5 months to try purees just for the taste, because he's sitting semi independently rn and he's almost 4 months and my doctor said he should be fine after 4 months but purees are just for taste rn anyway so I'd rather be safe than sorry, then start blw at 6 months with more consistent purees. That's what we did with my first and she rarely had a choking incident, but once u do, do big spoonfuls, it helps with mouth mapping💯❤️

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