
I went in for my 37 week appt and got a cervical check done. I’m not dilated at all but they said effacement is almost complete. This is my 4th cervical check I have had and throughout the entire pregnancy, even when I first got pregnant, I did not have any bleeding/ spotting what so ever. However, I am now and it was quite a bit, it was brown so I’m not worried about it being harmful. Just curious if this is normal and someone else had this happen when they haven’t had any spotting during pregnancy? Hoping the cervical check somehow made things speed up a little 😅😂
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Was the spotting your mucus plug possibly? Also, cervical checks can cause spotting so that is very normal to have some bleeding afterwards!

@Rachel I’m honestly not sure, I think I’ve been losing my mucus plug in little bits but that’s all been clear and almost like a thick jelly. I’m a ftm so I’m not really sure what everything is supposed to look like. This was dark brown though and it didn’t seem to have any clots or anything in it.

I’m on my second pregnancy right now but with my first I had the same thing no bleeding at all then every time they’d check my cervix I would bleed my doctors told me that it was normal from me being checked

I just got my cervix checked and my doc said spotting/ light bleeding is common after cervical exam when you are somewhat dilated, otherwise you dont bleed. Im dilated so currently Im spotting but she said as long as its not bleeding like periods it should be fine.

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