Please help! Is the epidural the cause???

I had an epidural during labor 9 months ago. Today around 5:30pm I stood up and I think I leaned too much on back? Anyways my lower back started to hurt. It was mild but still was difficult to move so I thought I pulled a muscle.. My husband told me to lay down on a heating pad so I did. I got on the floor and did stretches for my back and then laid on the heating pad. Around 7pm I couldn’t get up. I couldn’t bend forward or put ANY weight on my back. My husband had to help me off the floor. He called the ambulance because I was crying and screaming in pain and couldn’t get up. They came and checked me out and they said my oxygen levels are okay. They suggested I see a specialist for the pain. Has anyone experienced this before??? I’m gonna rest tonight and see how I wake up tomorrow but wanted to ask you guys .
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It’s likely that you pulled something or pinched a nerve It would be weird to suddenly have that intense of pain 9 months after the epidural if it was due to the epidural

@Ciara thank you. I kept wondering if it was because it’s in the exact spot I got the epidural 🥲

I actually developed severe chronic sciatica as a result of the epidural, essentially. When I got the epidural it apparently shifted the nerve in my lower back, so when I hurt my back putting my toddler to bed and caused a soft tissue lesion in my spine, it was in just the right place to put constant pressure on my sciatic nerve 🥲 I was also immobilized for the first couple of days and now I have to see a chiropractor regularly and do home pain management

@Cassiopeia thank you for the response. I feel like this may be the issue with me because I also have experienced mild sciatica but never to this extent!!! I can’t move right now either which sucks because my husband was literally going on a work trip tomorrow morning and he’s gonna cancel now.

If it’s in the exact spot maybe that spot is more sensitive now and when you moved it injured easier? I’m not too sure

I have a dull ache present, by the end of the day, at the epidural site. It's pretty consistent. I don't know that you would experience a side effect so delayed from having given birth 9 months ago.

When I was pregnant, I had debilitating pain in my SI joint. I couldn’t move like at all. I’ve never felt pain like that. It was right above my butt cheek. Very occasionally, I will get a tiny bit of pain. But nothing like it was when I was pregnant

Not the epidural 9 months later

Thank you all for the responses. I woke up in pain still and unable to move much so going to see my doctor today. I really appreciate the feedback

Didn’t mean to vote!! Sorry

I have experienced this pain 3 x! I also had 2 failed epidurals but I still don’t know what that pain is till this day. After doing research it could be a bulging disc ? Because all the symptoms are the same. The pain was so bad I was crying as well and couldn’t move or even sleep! Since it happened 3x I just try to not do any heavy lifting or awkward moves.

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