I felt so off when I found out I was pregnant with my second.. I had a lot going on at the time so at first I just passed it off as stress. Well a couple more weeks went by and I was still feeling off and was going to the bathroom a lot more which I thought was odd for me, honestly thought I had a UTI. My son had barely turned a year old and I still hadn’t had a period yet so I thought maybe I’m about to start my period.. well that didn’t happen so I took a test just as a precaution and it came back positive IMMEDIATELY! I was so shocked but also not surprised at the same time.. I was about 4-5 weeks at the point of taking the test. Baby girl made her arrival last week and I haven’t been more happy.. rough pregnancy but amazing baby!🥰👶🏻
Second time, I knew within 4-5 days (def less than a week after sex). It wasn’t just the gut feeling but definitely my body was very aware and I felt the implantation pain and some uneasiness in uterus (something hard to describe in words but I just knew it that it wasn’t normal period cramps). When I took my test, my hcg levels were still low and got negative but I was just so damn sure that I ended up taking tests the following days and finally it showed positive. I gave birth last Nov and we have our boy here. Although since I knew so early, the wait just seemed forever to even go to my first OB appointment. So I wouldn’t recommend losing mind over it.