You amend custody so yall have protections from her attempts of control. Like it was stated he can’t get full custody from just that but it can added to the agreement that they use a parenting app for communication, what his custody days are, when and where exchanges are, ect. If she refuses to do exchanges thr way they’re stated in the agreement or she refuses him the child altogether you file a motion of contempt. Honestly with how she is it’d be best if you aren’t as involved with her end, let him handle her drama.
The lawyer said we have a good chance at full custody, but it takes baby steps and of course a shit ton of money. Right now it’s about regaining what we lost because of her and work our way up from there. He did also say for me to stay away if I’m a trigger for her, because she’s not going to agree to a damn thing. We get it, but my husband wants me there every step of the way. He’s broken from all of this and I have no idea how to help him. He is literally broken. He’s shutting down, he doesn’t even know if he wants to go through this anymore. Shelling out thousands and thousands of dollars because of her. He’s literally ready to just walk away, and I get it I do I understand I see it in his eyes. It’s just so hard.
You can be involved and there to back him up without involving yourself with her. I get how hard it is trust me. It’s gonna mean more to the kid long run if he doesn’t give up, because they don’t always come back once you let them go. Trust in your lawyer and do what you can while you can. Sadly, the average custody battle lasts up to two years, and that’s without any complexities.
@Max he had a breakdown last night. He was literally going psychotic saying he’s going to end up dead or in jail because of this woman. He’s so angry. I can’t blame him but I need him to think rationally. I can’t imagine how he feels right now though. I can’t even come close to imagining. The court system is so biased here and men constantly pay more to see their child less. She’s truly a terrible person. We did find out that although the child is only 8, here he is allowed to be put on the stand and questioned. That sucks but it’s going to have to happen. Personally, I feel like if there isn’t physical abuse these people don’t care, but imo mental is worse and she’s fucking that kid up for life.
The courts are sadly very out of date and they don’t know what’s actually in the kids best interest. It’s too complex and they know kids are something they can keep getting money for. You can have all the evidence in the world of physical, mental, and even in some cases sexual abuse and the judgement can vary drastically from judge to judge. If it’s time to walk away then walk away and come back when and if you can handle it mentally. With some ppl walking away and calling their “bluff” is what it takes for them to give over the kid.
It’s unlikely you’ll get full custody unless she’s putting her child in danger. I doubt her being bitter and jealous would be enough for her to lose her kids. Aim for 50/50.