@Mara Im typically not one for kick counting either, but babies behavior was so outside the norm for him that at the 18 hour mark of no movement at all I was getting pretty concerned. I typically feel him strongly and often multiple bursts a day, certainly by 5pm. But all is well! Hes been back to his wiggly self since 6pm! So glad I didn’t have to go in to get checked out
do you have to count kicks bc i have not been doing that😭
@lindsay they’ll tell you when to start counting. It’s not like soon as you start feeling em you start counting everyday
I don’t think kick counts really start til like 28 weeks
@Dory im 23 weeks now, and was told to pay attention fetal movement/strength due to to placenta and umbilical cord placement. My son had his cord completely wrapped around his neck at his 20 week ultrasound. As easily as it can move it can move back because it attaches to the placenta right at his face/ neck.
@Emily oh well if you were told to do it then that makes sense. I was told not to worry about it until 28 weeks with any of my pregnancies. But since you have a special case it makes sense. Idk what to tell you, if you’re concerned you can always call the OB nurse line for advice!
Are you a first time mama? This had me on edge as well with my first born. Truth is, some days they're just positioned to where you don't feel them, or don't feel them much. Or they're just super chillen one day. Right now, kicks are usually sporadic, and not as strong as they will be in about 5 weeks. Also not as coordinated. Some days you just won't feel them kick. Even in later pregnancy, some days they just chill. Worries the hell out of us mamas sometimes, but it's usually nothing to with about. They just want to chill.
@lindsay no lol
@Mara exactly
I have a high risk pregnancy and even I don’t count kick. I wouldn’t stress yourself out so much girlie!
I think I would go crazy if I was counting kicks every day. Unless you have high risk pregnancy I wouldn’t worry that much. From my previous experience they get more active at night when you resting because walking and moving it’s like constant rocking to sleep for a baby.