I can understand why you would resent him because he’s unexpectedly changed his viewpoint and it no longer aligns with yours and the expectations you have or have had up until now when you picture your future. I think you should continue open dialogue with your partner, he may be struggling following the birth of your first which you’ve mentioned has been challenging. A lot can happen over the years and his viewpoint may change again and could have been said in the context of his current mental health x
I don't think there is anything wrong with 2 or 3 & you should still be happy with that.
My first was high crier and quite difficult, so I said one more and I’m done. My second was been mostly bliss… now I want a third! His opinion may change again after 2nd and 3rd, just remember your love for one another and you will get through anything, discussing how things can be changed to make it better for next time will help too xx
So, despite the difficulties/demands of having children, he still wants to have 2-3, that's decent tbh! He's allowed to change his mind once he realises how challenging kids are, I think it's good that he's still willing to have 3! Give the guy a break and remember it's not all about you
Everything could change, next baby might be a dream so he might think more won’t be so bad… dreams and realities of having children are different, just take one at a time
In my opinion i feel like your going to be the person giving the most time and effort into your children, they're his children to but if you want a big family then he should make you happy or want to in any way possible. It's not him going through the pain of giving birth and the aftermath he's just dealing with the winging. You can resent him all you like babe because believe me I'd resent my boyfriend if he tried to say anything in that context. Sorry this is so long but I hope this helps you in some way.