Night wakings

The last few nights my LO has started waking up 30min-1h after her feed. I think it’s because of wind. Due to reflux I hold her upright for 30min after a feed and sometimes she won’t even burp within this time. Any advice how I can help her and stop this extra wakings? PS I give infacol before each feed. She will usually burp after being on one breast but then she won’t after the second one. Should I give infacol between breasts too? Or anything else? I have heard of gripe water. Anyone found it more useful than infacol?
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Personally I found infacol made the wind worse with my boy. Like he burped fine but the lower down wind was horrendous. So that could be making it worse. Gripe water was even worse. Wind defo would wake them up/not settle. We’ve been using a kendamil probiotic seems to be helping a lot. Xx

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