I would watch it to see if it gets bigger. I have no idea what it could be I’m sure it’s nothing serious but always good to be safe then sorry! Kinda looks like a bug bite.
Draw with permanent marker around it to see if it gets any bigger, could be a bug bite
Does your doctor have messaging? When my daughter had thrush, I was able to send in a photo for diagnosis. It could ease your mind if it’s a simple answer. ❤️
Looks like a bug bite
Does it itch her?
Ugh my son had mrsa and it did look like that, I’d just watch to see if they get more. My son started with one then more came. Could just be a bite tho!
I didn’t notice a cut or anything before that! Yea I was thinking that.. but there seems to be a white head (can’t tell from the pic) but I will keep an eye out.. thank you!
Could be but it also looks like a bug bite. I’d monitor and go to a dr if it gets any bigger. ❤️
Has she been in a hospital or other environment that would put her at high risk for mrsa? I'd start with the assumption of with spider (or other bug) bite and vacuum, wash sheets, and check/clear the area around her crib to minimize the risk of more bites. Monitor the area, and if it gets worse, head to urgent care.
That's got a head on it. Does it hurt her when you run your finger over it? Has it opened at all? Keep an eye on it and if it starts to spread get it tested for staff infection. I'd put a hot compress on it for 20 minutes and see if it can open and drain on its own. You don't want to pop it because it might pop inside the body and it can get into the bloodstream, we don't want that.
Yes I saw a head on it too.. it doesn’t seem to bother her when I touch it. It hasn’t opened and I put a band aid on it to try and keep it from popping on its own. Yes no popping it!!
@Anna you want it drain tho so that's why the hot compress will help it open on its own. The hot compress with the bring the head up more to surface and eventually it will open and drain on its own.
Okay thanks! At what point would you suggest I take her to the doctor??
I'd make an appointment at any point. Especially if you have to wait a day or 2. It might not be serious right now but who knows what it could look like the day or 2 that you have to wait.
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While your waiting for the appointment do the hot compress. Doesn't have to anything special. You could just a wet washcloth and warm it in the microwave for few seconds
Okay thank you I’ve never dealt with possible MRSA so it’s confusing so thank you!
@Anna you're welcome but I don't think it's mrsa, I actually think it's something called staff infection, which is not as bad as MRSA! Thank goodness! With staff infection just some antibiotics are needed with MRSA I'm not too sure. Good luck! ❤️
Staph. is treatable with regular antibiotics and is a more normal infection. MRSA is antibiotic resistant staph., which is more difficult to treat & scarier (and also less likely for your daughter to have come across).
@Anne thanks! For explaining it better
Red circle around it then it's infected
Was there a cut or scrape there? I don’t seem to see any wound??