Yes! The artipoppe 100%! I tried a bunch of different carriers and either they didn’t have good hip alignment for baby or they were super uncomfortable for me. The artipoppe is seriously so nice! It’s expensive but they last forever. I wore my 2.5 year old the other day and it was still super comfortable
We love the Baby Bjorn carrier!
I have an ergo and it’s meh. I used it for my son for 1.5 years and then washed it once before I had my daughter and it’s so faded and looks so old. It was brand new when I got it. It functions well enough but I feel like it’s always saggy looking if that makes sense? Idk if it’s my body or what. I eyeballed the Wildbird structured carrier for a while but decided against purchasing a new one.
I have the infantino, ergo, and baby bjorn and the baby bjorn is by far my favorite. Comfortable and easy to put on/adjust
I have an artipoppe. Super comfy very beautiful pricey but I use mine daily at home and out and about so it was worth it. Theres some fb groups where people sell them second hand