Who ya choosing? Man or Bear?

My partner and i have had several conversations about sexual assault/harassment’s and how that pertains to me personally. We also talk about it in the general sense , though i can’t speak for all women. Recently, during one of our conversations, i stated that there is a certain level of torment and victim blaming that comes with women stating their side of what happened. And i said, “This is why I’d always choose the bear. Atleast the bear would happily rip me to shreds (in its nature) versus the unknown of a man”. He got a bit offended and told me to look up a video of a bear eating something. Yet again, very gruesome, but i still said I’d choose the bear. I stated “Atleast I’d have certain death. I’d rather do that than go through them mental gymnastics of finding courage to tell my story, having everyone doubt me or victim blame me, then risk him not even being properly penalized. I. Choose. Bear. 🐻” Who you all choosing? Man, or Bear? Drop a comment on why!
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Always the bear. Men are "creative" in the ways they harm women, in ways that would never cross a bear's mind.

Bears are unpredictable but cant act maliciously. Also theyre cute and fuzzy

As in you’re just walking around in the woods would you rather encounter a random dude or a bear?

@Heidi yes. You’re walking around the woods and you have a choice to encounter a man or a bear, who you choosing?

Definitely the bear. And I’ll probably be like Susan Kehoe on TikTok and just gentle parent them off my porch lol… with men… i would avoid at all costs… men can be vindictive and spiteful while bears are just looking for a good picnic basket… plus now the men in some states are trying to make it where if you have an abortion you are sentenced to death… men constantly find ways to get away with murdering women. Bears again are just looking for food.

Brown bear or polar bear ? Bc fuck a polar bear you’re definitely dead lol. No but seriously..I’m sympathetic to your past as I’ve also had my own past with SA. But definitely man. Sometimes I can be resentful of men if I’m being honest because I met a lot of shitty ones. But ultimately I don’t think every man is a rapist or killer or threat. You’d have much better chance of survival with a random man trying to get ahold of you rather than a bear. The fear that would strike me if I encountered a bear alone in the woods. Gurrrrlll.

I’m picking bear. The worst the bear can do is kill you.

Wait this is in the woods? Yea bear forsure. I thought we were like locked in an arena lol. Yea most bears usually don’t give a shit (according to the internet)

I was recently in a situation where I was harassed by my boss. I choose man honestly. Yes I agree men can be creative with how they choose to assault (mentally or physically). I stood up for myself and took the issue to the top. I found a way out of my job and the results of what happened has totally ruined and exposed my abusive boss. The thing about narcissists is that they can be predictable and if you can beat them to the punch, they won’t have any mental power over you. I’m speaking from emotional abuse/harassment point of view. It’s unreal that someone can stare you in the face and tell you you are the problem behind closed doors and when they are confronted, they still point to you. Unreal what a narcissist would do.

The mental gymnastics I took so to speak, helped bring to light two other harassment cases at my work and helped get two other women safe. I would make the same choice again.

As someone who hikes and camps in bear territory I’m always choosing the bear lol they’re so much more predictable you can usually just scare them away by making loud noise or with bear spray. Men are like, actually dangerous lmao.

Unless we’re talking about polar bears or something then ima have to choose man

I was in the woods with family and we crossed paths with a bear and it kept going on its own path But I’ve been sexually assaulted by multiple men and victim blamed by men and women. Always the bear

I guess I’m the odd one out, I choose the man. Fucking bears are massive, powerful and unpredictable. I wouldn’t stand a chance and I’d shit myself seeing one in the wild on my own. A man is a man, could be a normal guy just hiking away. If he’s a killer well I have more chance of out running him, more chance of being able to stand up to him and more chance of being able to kill him. A bear would tear me apart without any effort.

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