Mommy Bliss Kids Sleep chewables (Crushed)

Is 1mg melatonin OK for our 10/11 month olds?
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That line has a baby bed time drops that I would recommend first as I don't believe melatonin is recommended under 2 or,3 years

Ok let me go back and check

I give my baby some soothing tablets that have chamomile and it helps her sleep because she's been teething

no just take a them a WARM BATH turn on some lullabies and turn on a vaporizer so your baby can sleep and relax read them a book and tuck them in medicine is not needed in these situations

establish a good sleep schedule/ik kids won’t listen but your the adult give them a reasonable time ☺️ and give your child the same treatment you’d like 🥹

I wouldn’t give melatonin at this age. It’s a hormone and can disrupt the sleep pattern later in life. Maybe try a magnesium lotion? It helps to relax and I see a lot of options safe for babies.

I heard cherries are natural melatonin

Ever since the snow storm we had my daughter has been up past 12 am, last night she finally went to sleep at 11pm😭

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