Sick toddler advice

Hey, looking to see if anyone has had similar. My toddler has had a cold for a couple of weeks now, but on Saturday he suddenly developed a really high temperature of 40, we took him to a&e as advised by 111 as he kept going shivery with blue lips and nails. They ran tests and said it must be viral as they could only see redness in his throat. We were discharged and he is now still getting temperatures of 40 degrees and it’s been almost 5 days. We are going between calpol and nurofen and when these kick in he seems ok, less energy and more grizzly than usual but he can play and eat. But when these wear off he drastically dips back into soaring temperature, just before he gets the temperature he goes freezing, shivery and his lips get a blueish tint. I’m going to book a drs appointment in the morning for him but just wondering if anyone’s experienced similar and told just viral?
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I would go back to the dr and demand they figure out what's wrong with him, they should do bloods.

I had something similar but they gave my LO antibiotics in the hospital. I would go back to your gp

We had this mine was poorly 5 days temp of 40c.said it was tonsillitis so had antibiotics 4 days in still the same but blue hands and just worse I struggled to see w doctor the receptionist made out I was crazy doctor seen him and sent us to a&e he tested positive for influenza A. Definitely go back ask for a chest x-ray that was the bit that the doctor said he made a strange sound so wanted one and it showed something in his lung. We were kept in and the test came back positive hours later x

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