
What age do you think your kids were having nightmears at, and what did you do to help them. My kid is just a little over a year old and let out a scream. I have only herd once he is scared. I went in to go check on him, and he was sitting up in his crib visibly terrified. I went in and held him and told him he was safe and that he was okay it wasn't real it was just a nightmare. I had first thought that maybe he was teething, but he refused medication( odd, but I trust sense or judgment) . I rocked him back to sleep and sang to him and stayed next to him till I knew he was in a deep enough sleep again. My heart broke, knowing he woke up scared 😭🥺
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Idk. We have had hauntings in every place we lived. My daughter had a couple of night frights I'll call them. Cuz she was asleep but would say she would wake up to noises in the room and she would see a figure sometimes but then it'd go away when she looked at it. Our family ancestry are connected with spirits so we can see them more and they come around us more. I did find out the spirit that she kept waking up to, we were going through family photos and got to a picture of my great grandmother, her great great grandma, and she pointed and cried and jumped up and down and said "that's her! She's the one I feel watching me in my sleep waking me up!" And then she got sad she never got to meet her in person. Which I deem a wonderful thing cuz my great grandma died from an aneurysm at 97 she had really bad Alzheimer's and was so racist in her bad moments.... RIP gigi ❤️

Id just say depending on what it is, you're doing good. Sometimes they come from eating past a certain time. And certain games and TV shows or movies.

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