My husband makes me feel ugly
Anytime I'm pregnant, he makes me feel so ugly. After I start getting big he barely touches me, doesn't try to initiate sexy time, doesn't compliment me (unless I ask if I look good or something), nothing. Whenever I bring up how I'm feeling fat and like he's not attracted to me anymore, he says, "You're not fat" but doesn't deny that attracted part. My 4 year old son compliments me more than my husband does, how sad is that?
I've always struggled with an eating disorder and body dismorphia so pregnancy and gaining weight is already hard on me mentally, but my husband just adds to it, making me feel disgusting. I feel like i want to rip off my skin so I'm not so fucking fat.
Whenever I try to ask why he's not trying anything he always tries to blame me and says shit like "well you seem like you don't want to be in a 10 foot radius of me". Like, I'm always doing playful cutesy things but he's stopped doing it. I just walk around wearing baggy oversized clothes when I'm pregnant because he doesn't give me any confidence. I'm so sick of it. I'm so bitter and angry all the time. I feel so uncared for. I want my husband's love no matter what size I am, but apparently I'm only loveable and sexy when I'm in size 2 jeans. He always finds a way to make every pregnancy not enjoyable for me.
I’m sorry to hear that. You’re deserving of love no matter what you look like. When I met my husband I was a size 4 and now I’m a size 14 (biggest I’ve ever been) and 17 weeks pregnant. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been and I feel fat and disgusting most of the time but my husband had never made a negative comment about my size. He still makes me feel like the most beautiful person in his eyes. Looks aren’t everything and you won’t always look the way you do forever. It’s superficial for him to think that way, I hope you can talk to him about that and get him to understand how you’re feeling. You’re growing a whole ass baby, you shouldn’t have to worry about anything else.