I got to the hospital around 11pm, started the tiniest dose of cytotec and that triggered labor so I didn’t need pitocin (I was already 2-3cm so they said I was likely already in labor anyway lol). I got the epidural around 4am, then things slowed down a bit but still progressed nicely, he was born at 6:08pm! So I was in labor for about 18 hours!
25 hours
14 hours with my first induction- 0 cm dilated beforehand 4.5 with my second induction- 3 cm dilated beforehand
I wasn’t induced with my first but I just got home from being induced with my second I went in at barely a 2 and 70% effaced and I was in labor for 10.5 hours be for my little man game, but once I got to a 7 with in 3 mins was I a 10 and was pushing
I am so sorry with the spelling errors 🤣 clearly I’m exhausted
I was there for 24 hours and never progressed at 3cm. Then had an emergency c-section. Yet, everyone experience is different.
Got to the hospital at 11am, and had my son at 6pm the next day
For my first the whole process from getting the call to come in and having the baby was 22 hours. Induction process probably 15-17.
Got to the hospital at 6am, had him at 1pm! Epidural failed tho 🙃
First time and had an elective induction. Took 16 hrs
Got the cervical gel at 9:30am when I was 2cm dilated and having contractions already- then I labored at home. Then went back to the hospital at 2:30pm and was 6cm- then she was born at 5pm. It was fast and I screamed her out lol
They started the induction yesterday, it’s been 30 hours now. When I came to the hospital I was open 1cm, now I’m 2cm. Still waiting 😩