Working out
I just started a different workout routine, I tried to workout at 3 months postpartum and stopped and tried again at 6 and stopped the timing was hard with two under two. I now feel the daily routine has gotten better and night routine. I use to start early as 5 am after a while it got hard and then I tried during nap times but you know when they’re tiny they wake up every hr two three hrs apart for feedings on top of having toddler so it didn’t work for me. Now my kids are asleep by 8:30 and I workout at 9:30pm and I get to enjoy my workout in peace and shower and sleep after and it has been two days in and so far feeling the burn. Goal is to stay consistent and more good with the diet. How is everyone else journey going?
Definitely a journey. I go to the gym once I drop baby girl (3m) to daycare but before I go to work. It works out nicely even if for a short 20 minute workout