For me staying hydrated, lactation bites with brewers yeast (I made them myself), body armour, and also just drinking milk and protein shakes (milk based) seemed to help!
Coconut water!
Oatmeal/oatmilk. I powerpumped for a week and that definitely brought up my supply.
Milk with sugar and cinnamon
Any liquids tbh! I was obsessed with banana milkshakes and watered fruit juice and this always helped me pump 160mls each pumping session:)
Water. Protein shakes. Oatmeal. Protein fortified oatmeal.
OATMEAL. Skip the expensive cookies and just do the real thing. My supply went from 1-2 Oz to 8 -15 oz when I ate oatmeal for breakfast & lunch. Tons of water too.
Yesss how could I forget oatmeal and coconut water!
Oats! And I’ve recently found out that propel waters increased mine. Body armors did the very first time when I had my daughter. They didn’t do much this time. Oh and pecan shortbread cookies! I’ve also heard people say that Oreos have increased theirs too.
I’m trying to relactate after a month and a half of not breastfeeding/pumping. I’ve been chugging a large bottle of water with liquid IV before bed and making sure I drink lots throughout the day. I’ve also read that eggs can help so I’ve been eating eggs and toast every morning. Protein is good for milk production which is why eggs are recommended so definitely up your protein intake. I’m on day 4 and my milk has started to come in! I’m still only getting a very small amount when I pump but it’s a good start
@Sarah good luck! It's a lot of work to build up your supply and relactate. I hope it goes really well!
protein, oats, electrolyte drinks, coconut water, chamomile tea, fennel and fenugreek tea, i’ve also heard hot chocolate helps
Cocoa is the answer. But the organic one
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Body Armour, Mommy Knows Best & Munckin lactation cookies, lots of water & making sure I ate.
Nuts can help as well.
Body armor / oatmeal / mauby drink
Ginger beer!
@Miriam thank you!
Water any honestly any fluids