Gym girlies

How are we hip thrusting after a c section? I am 5 months pp and I attempted it about 3 months pp but never managed as the bars so close to the scar. Is anyone successfully hip thrusting after a section? Do we have the bar further down over legs? I’m easily managing everything else in the gym just this! Pregnancy and breastfeeding has destroyed my bum lol
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Ive done it but i started out with body weight for awhile first.

I didn’t start with weights for a while I just did body weight at first then slowly increased to dumbbells I’m now 10 months postpartum and back on the barbell but only very light as I need to slowly increase the weight back up! I hear you breastfeeding has destroyed my bum too 🤦🏼‍♀️

That’s good idea might start with dumbbells!

Have the bat lower, use the bar pad, i also have started using 2 dumbbells on my thighs as I'm pregnant again. I find this actually gives me a better workout for some reason. It's less weight but harder.

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