Anyone in the shelter ? 😔

At 6 months pregnant I’m having to make the tough decision of going to a shelter . I’m so mentally and emotionally drained idk how I’m going to keep it together. Overall I just want to provide a stable home for my daughter before she gets here
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Yeah I am

If you wanna chat dm on insta @ imnot.zhrea

I been where you are…. Dm if you want support

I followed you I’m @thereal__zayy

@Caprice I also dm’d you

In not in a shelter but I feel you. Becoming a mother is beautiful and tough at the same time. And you need all the care and help you can get for yourself and your little one. Im also feeling the baggage of postpartum. Remember you are strong deep down and you got this mama! You will get through this as a powerful woman and mamma. 💞 I’m here if you need a pair of ears. And if I can help you in any way I will

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