Sounds like my MIL ☺️. She is the absolute best! But she is very much an all over you person and I am introvert and like my space loool. I understand not wanting to hurt her feelings because they are genuinely coming from a place of love. The good thing is she is a child of God therefore prayer is your biggest help here 2nd to wisdom in how to approach this I would pray for understanding. Genuine understanding of each other (and your different personalities) and that you both will have the grace to put each other above yourself. One thing that came to mind was it may help if you and your husband together lovingly set a boundary of your bedroom. In general as a no go area for her (for specific reasons and others). Whilst doing this maybe you can invite her to spend more time with you etc doing stuff maybe in the kitchen so she does not feel left out. It’s hard as a grandparent who probably is as in love and infatuated with the baby as much as you are to navigate their new position.
It’s so understandable to feel this way, and it doesnt make you ungrateful, it just makes you human and in need of healthy boundaries. It s a blessing to have support, but even blessings require balance. You are navigating a tender season of motherhood, and its okay to protect your rest and space while still honoring your mother-in-law’s love for your baby. Perhaps gentle, loving communication can help. expressing appreciation for her presence while setting small boundaries that give you the breathing room you need. Prayerfully ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) in handling these moments with grace, and trust that He will guide you. You’re doing a wonderful job, and your feelings are valid! Praying for peace in your home and heart